Friday, March 23, 2012

Germans revolt against FIT cuts. Government backs down


Germany expected to tone down cuts to FIT program after outcry from state governments

22.03.2012: After a massive outcry from German state governments, Germany’s federal government is expected to make significant changes to a draft bill that aims to reduce solar incentives. According to German news channel n-tv, the federal government is expected to scrap a provision that would have meant that only 90 percent of the electricity produced by a photovoltaic (PV) installation could receive the feed-in tariff (FIT). And while the cutoff date for the old FITs is expected to remain April 1, under the newly proposed changes to the draft bill, power plants that received authorization before March 1 would be eligible to receive the old FITs even if they are commissioned after April 1. The article also reports that the maximum annual reduction in the FIT, regardless of how much PV has been installed, would be fixed at 28 percent. Prime ministers from Germany’s 16 states will meet with the Chancellor’s office today to discuss changes to the FIT program. … Source: n-tv; Translation and summary: PHOTON



Monty Bannerman

ArcStar Energy


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