Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Italy publishes official text of the fifth Conto Energia, introduces two new PV taxes

Going backwards: roll back the incentives AND tax the production.

16.04.2012: The Italian Ministry of Industry has published on its website the official text of the final draft of the new Italian incentive scheme for photovoltaics (PV) – the so-called fifth Conto Energia. This latest version of the draft decree confirms that the government plans to drastically cut the budget for solar incentives and that it aims introduce a six-month register for PV systems over 12 kW. The decree would also introduce two new taxes. Under the first tax, Italian energy agency Gestore dei Servizi Energetici SpA (GSE) would charge power plant owners between €2 and €5 ($2.66 and $6.67) per kW, depending on the size of an installation, when they first register a new power plant (or, with smaller installations, when they file their request for connection). Under the second tax, valid for all PV installations – including those already online – power plant owners would have to pay 0.1 euro cents per kWh produced. Considering Italy has 13 GW of installed power and an average annual production of 1,300 kWh per kW, this second tax would generate an annual income of around €17 million for the GSE. The draft decree has been submitted to the State-Regions Conference for discussion; however, the Conference has not yet said when that discussion might be held. … Source: Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Ministero degli Affari Regionali; Translation and summary: PHOTON



The complete press release can be viewed in PHOTON's archive using the following link:



Monty Bannerman

ArcStar Energy



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