Friday, November 21, 2014

Mexico's PV capacity reaches 50 MW in October. Expects to reach 240MW in 2014. Called Solar Hotbed of Latam.

21.11.2014: Mexico had reached a cumulative installed PV capacity of 49.9 MW as of the end of October 2014, according to local financial newspaper El Economista, which cites numbers from Mexican energy regulator Comision Reguladora de Energia (CRE). Overall, the CRE has granted final approval to 54 PV projects totaling 1,222 MW. This capacity includes completed projects and those that will be completed in the near term. According to the article, CRE has also granted final approval to wind power projects totaling 1,157 MW, geothermal projects totaling 1,086 MW, biomass projects totaling 533 and mini-hydropower projects totaling 42 MW. If all of the authorized PV capacity is installed, PV could cover 2% of Mexico’s electricity demand. Mexico will add 180 MW of new PV capacity in 2014, according to a report released by US market research company GTM Research in December 2013. This year’s growth will be mainly driven by the Small Power Producers Program and residential demand and will enable the country to reach a cumulative PV capacity of 240 MW by the end of 2014, the firm said. »Mexico is poised to be the hotbed for solar deployment in Latin America,« said GTM Research analyst Adam James. »There are a number of programs and policies in place that support solar development across market segments, and high insolation levels that ensure solar generates quick returns. We expect impressive year-over-year growth across the board.« © PHOTON



Monty Bannerman

ArcStar Energy



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